She Dances... With Him!
She Dances… With Him! is a dance teaching and learning method that was developed by Francisco De La Calleja over an eleven year period. Basic principles of pedagogy, physics, anathomy, biomechanics, psychology and even genetics were considered in its creation. It is structured specifically to help students in partnership dances to learn to dance more easily.
Basically what She Dances… With Him! does is help each participant to become a better dancer before becoming a better dance partner. It aims to redistribute each dance task evenly between the dance partners. For the system to work effectively, the student and the teacher must integrate five basic ideas into their dancing perspective:
-The sense of sight is the quickest, most powerful and reliable way of perceiving movements.
-Each partner can and should move autonomously and without assistance, under his/her own power.
-Following means the follower has to move after the leader has moved, not at the same time.
-Leading means the leader has to show what he is doing at the present moment, nothing else.
-Within the couple, every dancer can contribute equally to the creative process of the partnership
Since She Dances... With Him! deconstructs most of the leading and following principles that a majority of dance students and their teachers have been told to believe in, you may want to learn more about this teaching and learning system by joining one of Francisco's classes, finding an instructor who has trained in the application of this method or read all about it in the upcoming book She Dances Salsa... With Him!
Learning to dance is definitely not what it used to be!