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F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions by our students. If you have a question that is not on this page, please use the contact form to ask Francisco what you want to know. He will answer your request and publish the answer here as soon as possible.
I have never danced before. How do I know if I can take dance lessons?
Everyone can take dance lessons. Dancing can be learned at any age, regardless of your experience or background. In fact, our teaching system was designed to make learning to dance as simple and easy as possible. Other than being able to walk, you do not need any other specific skill.
How can I overcome my shyness or anxiety when I come to a dance class?
Most people experience a certain level of apprehension when coming to dance class the first few times. That tinge of stress you feel coming to class is simply the way your body prepares to give its best effort. So, don’t try to overcome it. Embrace it. Just remember, that it is a dance class. Every student is here to learn. If you knew it all, would you require my services?
In class, everybody seems to know what they are doing. I have doubts and sometimes I simply have no clue. What do I do?
Ask questions. A lot of students suffer from undue stress because they think they are supposed to know everything the teacher talks about, which is absurd. When you ask a question, you will see that all of the students learn something new from the answer, even those who already seemed to know what to do.
I took lessons long ago. How do I get back into dancing?
Dancing is like fashion. It changes with time. Teaching methods change also. So do not feel bad about taking a beginner class. You will learn a lot of what you (or your teacher) missed the first time.
What do I need to successfully learn to dance?
A clear objective, a competent teacher and time.
Is there such a thing as a “Natural Dancer”?
Yes. Everyone is a natural dancer. However, there are dancers that learned so long ago they can’t even remember learning.
I have been told I have two left feet. Can I really learn to dance?
Of course you can! Anyone that tells you that you can’t probably has little understanding of the dance learning process. What some people call “talent” is optional in my classes. All I ask you is to bring in the desire to learn. As your teacher I will provide the expertise.
Am I too old to dance?
There is no age limit for learning to dance. If you can walk into a dance studio, you can dance. It is more a question of attitude. To quote Henry S. Haskins: “The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn”.
After dance class, I have a hard time remembering what I have just learned. Why?
Because my teaching method bypasses part of your intellectual memory. We are teaching your body, not just your mind. Please remember, your mind learns faster, but your body learns better. If you have a hard time remembering, you are probably sitting down or standing still. Get up and try to actually dance. It will come back to you surprisingly fast.
Is it really harder for men to learn to dance?
That is a myth that we are trying hard to get people to forget. Men have a hard time learning to dance because most teachers fail to properly explain to them (and their partners) what is expected of them. With the “She Dances… With Him!” method dancing is simple and easy to learn for both men and women.
What is the easiest dance to learn? What is the most difficult dance to learn?
The one you like the most and the one you dislike the most.
My partner dances better than myself. Can we take lessons together?
Sure! Even the most advanced dancer has something to learn in a lower level class.
Why is it that some people have no rhythm?
The only people with no rhythm are –sorry to say- deceased. Everybody alive is full of rhythms: Heartbeat, breathing, sleeping patterns, even the electrochemical impulses in our brains have rhythm. What is true is that not everyone perceives music the same way. The job of a competent dance teacher is to help a student understand and coordinate what he or she feels with the music playing and his or her partner’s own rhythm in order to dance.
How do I know if I am ready for the next level?
When you are able to dance without thinking about how you dance. It is OK to think about what you are doing. But if you are still thinking about how you execute a given movement, you still have not “got it”.
How long does it take to learn to dance?
Depends on what level you want to achieve. It takes only a few lessons to become competent with basic steps, but a lifetime to become a virtuoso or a creator. Somewhere in between, the level you seek to have fun can be found.
What do I do if my partner and I have a disagreement about dancing when we dance together?
Don’t ruin your night out over a disagreement. Find common ground and enjoy yourselves as much as possible. Then come back to class and ask me for advice. First, the time between your disagreement and your next class will allow both of you to cool off and approach the question with a cool head and a clear mind. Second, I will explain the situation in an impartial way, letting each of you know what you can do to help your partner. Most “couple” dance problems have surprisingly easy solutions, when looked at by a third party.